Finavon Castle Water Salmon and Sea Trout Fishing on the River South Esk in Scotland

Red Brae

This pool is one of the most famous on the South Esk and is fished from the North bank after crossing the river by the footbridge. Wading is easy, and often completely un necessary.

The pool is in three parts, the neck, the wall and the tail which we now call 'Kirkinn' (see below). Fish can be caught all the way down, although the middle part of the pool along the edge of the wall was unfortunately badly gravelled up after Storm Frank in 2015.

I normally advise anglers who are fishing Red Brae to concentrate their efforts either on the run at the neck of the pool, down to the point at which the Lemno burn flows in on the South bank or on the tail of the pool from the point where the old wall breaks down and the pool opens up again to the big log croy which marks the head of Kirkinn. In low water, concentrate on the run, in a higher flow, the tail is the place to focus on.