April the First. Lemno Burn Day!

These bulletin blogs represent news about Finavon and the South Esk, and my views as a riparian owner. They are not the views of any other organisation, nor are they designed to promote the interests of any individual or organisation other than Finavon Castle Water and factors affecting the fishery.  Tony Andrews

Thank you very much those of you who have said you will come to the Red Brae at 10am on Sunday 1st April to help clear the bed of the Lemno Burn. So far there are six of us.

Lemno Burn

This photo shows the condition of the Lemno Burn’s lower reaches in February 2012 after a major thinning of bankside trees during the winter. Basically this section of the burn is in quite good heart, but needs a good clear out of debris from the bed of the stream plus some bankside trimming to let the light in and open up spawning gravels and pools for parr. The job shouldn’t take too long (I guess 3/4 hours for a team of about 12)

Can I also take this opportunity to explain that improvements to the South Esk’s tributaries will benefit the river as a whole, not just a particular beat? By extending spawning and juvenile habitats in the Lower Lemno we should be able to encourage some extra spawners to use this tributary, which at present is certainly under-used. I don’t own that section of the Lemno, but we do have permission to tidy it up after extensive winter thinning.

Any help on that one day would be hugely appreciated, and a BBQ lunch will be provided in the Red Brae Hut or car park, depending on the weather. It goes without saying that anyone who does come along will be offered an evening’s spring fishing on one of the four FCW beats. I hope to see you there. Do give Moray a call (07835 717 150). We are looking for about a dozen people working in three groups of four. All the best, Tony.

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